The Body Project is a world-leading evidence-based programme proven to prevent eating disorders and promote body acceptance.
Feeling beautiful has nothing to do with what you look like – Emma Watson
‘The Body Project’ is based on cognitive dissonance and has demonstrated a reduction in the onset of eating disorders, the promotion of body acceptance and improvement in self-esteem and wellbeing. Research supports the improvement of body image for up to three years in those with both high and low levels of body dissatisfaction. With over 20 years of research supporting it, The Body Project is the most thoroughly evaluated eating disorder prevention intervention to date. It has been delivered in over 136 countries to more than 4.5 million women.
With support from five independent laboratories, the most rigorous trial conducted found that the intervention prevented 60% of the cases of eating disorders in comparison with a control group.
With funding from NHS Gloucestershire, the University of Gloucestershire is now offering The Body Project free to schools, colleges, universities, and community groups across the county.